Donnerstag April 18 , 2024
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Die einfachen Formen, linear und moderne Ausstattung es möglich, das Schlafzimmer mit Betten nebeneinander oder Einzelbetten


Besonderheit, Modernität und Einzigartigkeit sind die Empfindungen aus diesen Bildern übertragen


Details und feine Verarbeitung ermöglichen diese Sammlung, um Interesse und vermitteln Emotionen wecken


The fabric that resists stains. It resists to any stain: thanks to the innovative NANOTEX treatment it is water/oil repellent, so it prevents liquids and stains from penetrating through the fabric and gives high ability to remove stains..
It is stain-resistant at the molecular level: in fact the fibre of the fabric itself is stain-resistant, so even in the presence of stain penetration in the fabric it does not set, then it can be removed by simple stain removing or by traditional washing.
It is eternal: in fact the treatment remains even after more than 30 washing, retaining its features over time, in addition to this it is indestructible due to its high wear-resistance.

It is comfortable, transpiring soft and has a modern and attractive look.

- Coffee stain-resistant
- Beverages and wine stain resistant
- Sauce and oil stain resistant, easy to wash them away
- NANOTEX treatment resists 30 washings in washing-machine at 40°
- Highly waterproof even after many hours
- Allergen-free dyestuffs and treatment
- Anti-bacterial and anti-mould due to its very nature
- Highly wear-resistant


Water-based stains like beverages, coffee, wine
Use kitchen towel to remove liquids without putting pressure on the fabric. In case of stain penetration, wipe it with a damp sponge, if necessary use also neutral soap to be rinsed throughly with lukewarm water and a clean sponge.

Oil-stain like grease and sauces
Pat with blotting-paper without putting excessive pressure on the fabric. In case of stain penetration, wipe it with a damp sponge, if necessary use also neutral soap to be rinsed throughly with lukewarm water and clean sponge.

Pen and felt-tip pen
Act before ink dries wiping the stain with diluted alcohol, then wash with lukewarm water and neutral detergent to remove the halo.

In case of permanence of the stain or halos it is recommended to wash the fabric in washing-machine according to the maintenance rules.


Pflege und Wartung

News 2010

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